Frequently Asked Questions
Building Owners & Facility Managers
Are there tax advantages with a roof restoration?
Check with your CPA or tax professional first. Roof maintenance can be fully tax deductible as an operating expense. Restoration is classified as maintenance and in most cases can be expensed in the accounting period in which it is incurred.
Are warranties a good measure of roof performance?
Roof maintenance decisions should be made based on a professional survey, technical comparisons of system options and the experience of the contractor performing the work. The warranty term is driven primarily by the business climate and market considerations of the manufacturers.
Can I get a warranty on my building with APOC restoration systems?
Call an APOC local representative and let them survey your roof first. Once a survey is completed, it can then be determined if the roof can be repaired or restored, and which warranty would be available.
Does APOC have approved contractors?
Yes. Ask your local APOC representative for an approved contractor near you. APOC approves the most experienced commercial roofing contractors who specialize in roof repairs and restorations.
How can I get APOC products on my building?
Ask your professional roofing contractor to price the job with APOC products. AsK your Architect or Roof Consultant to specify an APOC restoration system.
Who is APOC?
APOC is the professional division of one of the oldest coatings manufacturers in America, with 15 plant locations and a full line of water- and solvent-based roof coatings and mastics.
Why should I consider a cool roof?
Cool roofs drastically reduce the surface temperature, which means they extend roof membrane life, improve building comfort, and can substantially reduce cooling costs.
Why should I consider a roof restoration vs. a tear-off of the existing roof?
An experienced consultant can locate problem areas and an Approved APOC contractor can repair the wet insulation and damaged deck at a fraction of the cost of a complete tear-off and replacement.
Why should I consider roof restoration vs. a re-roof?
Restorations are fully adhered to the existing roof membrane. As a result, they do not allow the lateral transmission of water between roof layers. This means that leaks are easier to find and the roof can then be maintained. If water can travel between roof layers, leak locations can be very difficult to find and expensive to fix.
Consultants & Architects
Are APOC systems competitive with reroof systems.
In most cases a restoration system will be more cost effective than a reroof using new layers of insulation and will be easier to maintain.
Are Restoration systems sustainable?
Restoration systems offer long term sustainable maintenance programs to be implemented which means less material is hauled off of land fills from roof tear offs.
Can I get a warranty for my restoration project?
APOC has a wide variety of warranties available depending on the condition of the existing roof and the system to be applied. Contact your local APOC representative for more warranty information.
Can I specify a COOL ROOF restoration?
Yes. APOC has a wide range of Energy Star labeled White and Aluminum reflective coatings.
Do restoration systems need maintenance?
Roofs in general need yearly maintenance inspections as a minimum to ensure free flowing drains, securely attached metal and damaged areas get quickly repaired.
Does APOC have an approved contractor program?
Yes. APOC works closely with some of the oldest and best trained commercial roofing contractors in every region of the United States.
Does APOC have CAD details available?
Yes. CAD details are available for BUR, Modified Bitumen, Metal and Coal Tar restorations and they can be modified.
Does APOC have guide specifications available for roof restorations?
Yes. Contact your APOC Regional Manager to help get your project specified properly.
Roofing & Waterproofing Contractors
Are APOC products Fire and Wind tested?
Yes. Some APOC products and systems have FM approvals and UL listings. Contact your local Representative and he can help get you the technical help you may need.
Are APOC products stocked or do they have to be special ordered?
Stocking distributors carry a fully line of mastics, cool roof coatings, primer and adhesives. There are many unique products which can also be special ordered.
Are there any special APOC products which might help me in my contractor business?
APOC #501 and #502 are 100 % neoprene repair materials, # 525 ArmorFlex is ideal for low sloped asphalt and coal tar roofs which pond water, #252 is a Title 24 approved white coating and #365 is an amazing all weather, all purpose cement which has excellent adhesion under water.
Do I need to be an approved contractor to buy APOC products?
Professional roofing contractors can purchase products and obtain a Manufacturers (material) warranty without being an APOC approved contractor.Professional roofing contractors can purchase products and obtain a Manufacturers (material) warranty without being an APOC approved contractor.
How do I qualify for a Labor & Material warranty on an APOC roof system?
Contact your local APOC representative and ask about becoming an APOC Approved Contractor (AAC).
What roofs can I restore with APOC systems?
Smooth and gravel surfaced BUR, Mineral granule cap sheet, EPDM, select White single plies and most metal roofs.
What sales aids are available to contractors?
Contact your local APOC sales representative and he can help you with product literature, specifications, samples, submittals, on the job product demos and project case histories.
Where can I buy APOC products?
Ask for APOC products at your nearest commercial roofing supply house
Why should I use APOC products?
15 plant locations, roof mastics & coatings are formulated for the professional contractor, excellent quality control, one of the largest manufacturers of restoration products in the United States means we are able to stand behind our products.
Pavement Maintenance Contractors
How soon after installation can a new asphalt/blacktop parking lot or driveway be sealed?
We recommend you wait at least 6 months including one full summer season prior to sealing to allow it to fully cure and weather. After 6 months use the water bead test to determine if the surface is ready to be sealed: spray water across the surface; if it forms beads, it is not fully cured and not ready to be sealed yet, so you’ll have to wait a bit longer.
How soon after sealing can I drive on a blacktop surface?
Under most conditions you can drive on asphalt 24-48 hours after the last coat is finished. There are a few issues to note that affect dry time: 1) Areas in full shade will take longer than areas in full sun. 2) Cooler temperatures below 80° F and higher humidity above 50% can add up to 12 hours to the full cure time. 3) Driveways & parking lots with many cracks take longer; the more cracks and the deeper the cracks, the longer it takes to cure. 4) Thicker coats slow dry time. We always recommend two thin coats for best results.
Should an asphalt surface be hot or cold when applying sealer? Wet or dry?
A hot, dry parking lot or driveway above 95° F will dry too fast; the result can be a very uneven finish. We recommend cleaning the surface first, which also serves to cool off the surface. Make sure there is no puddled water before sealing. If the surface is too cold means the sealer will not set and cure properly. For best results we always recommend application at 65° F or higher for several hours before application, to ensure the surface is warm enough to allow a proper protective film. Shady areas, high humidity or cloudy conditions can slow the cure time of the sealer, so additional dry time between coats may be needed.
Why do I need 2 thin coats? Won’t one thicker coat work?
Applying two coats of any sealer will dry and create a better finish much better than one thick coat. These sealers are water based, and they cure and form a film primarily during the evaporation of water from the coating. A thin coat will evaporate much faster and create a single uniform layer. A second thin coat will fill in areas not filled by the first coat and create a deeper, richer, more uniform coat. Single thick coats cure less evenly, have a tendency to puddle, and are prone to tracking.
How can I find an APOC “equal” to other products in the market place?
There are comparison charts available from your APOC sales representative which compare the most common products among 9 different manufacturers. Double check and make sure you are recommending the right product by calling your APOC sales representative.
Is this your best price?
Call the APOC Regional Manager for custom quotes on multiple truck loads, tankers, or special products which may not be on the price list.
What are the best APOC Cool Roof coatings?
Water based white: APOC #252.......Solvent based white: APOC #545.......Solvent based aluminum: APOC #211 non-fibered or APOC #212 fibered.......Rubberized aluminum: APOC #535.......Waterbased aluminum: APOC #400
What is the best way to mix solvent- based aluminum coating?
Use a power mixer – minimum ½” drill with a large mixing paddle. Mix on the roof and turn buckets upside down prior to mixing.
What percentage of solids are there in your white coatings?
For questions about product specifications, check the data sheet and MSDS sheets for the APOC product your contractor is interested in. Both are available on the website.
What promotional aides are available to Distributors?
There are several great items, and more to come. Current items include: [A] counter mat with key APOC products, [B] bucket displays, [C] cured product samples,and [D] literature for counters. Call your local APOC rep for help with displays.
When should a contractor use non-fibered aluminum and when should he use fibered?
When spraying aluminum use APOC #211 non-fibered, when using rollers use APOC#212 fibered.
Where can I find a list of all APOC products?
Ask for the APOC Product Catalog from your local APOC representative.
Can puddles harm my waterbased coating?
Yes. If your roof has any areas where rain water gathers and forms pools, your waterbased coating will not do its job properly. For one thing, these puddles can gather dirt and other debris which could restrict your coating's reflective ability. Constant exposure to standing water can cause cracking, peeling and holes in the protective coating. It is essential that you make sure to keep gutters clear and that any roof you intend to use a waterbased coating on has the appropriate slope required to provide positive drainage and eliminate puddles entirely.
Can thinners be used on my roof coatings?
It is highly unadvisable to use any kind of thinner when applying cool roof coatings. In fact, you may be in violation of federal regulations by doing so. Besides, these roof coatings come ready to use, so there really is no need to add anything before application. Make sure that any necessary cleaning of associated brushes or other items used to apply the coating are done using water. If thinners do make their way into roof coatings, they may experience a shorter lifespan. Additionally, the coating of your roof may appear uneven as a result of exposure to thinners, and blistering and peeling could become more commonplace. The possibility of mold growth may also be heightened by the use of thinners.
Can I use these coatings on any type of roof?
Every one of our products has a label which indicated the roof types on which it can be used safely. Not every coating is right for every surface, and one that is fine for use on plywood may not be safe for tar paper or asphalt roofs. Before using any coating on any roof, you should read the label, and if you are still unsure, contact the manufacturer directly to avoid any problems or the potential voiding of your roof's warranty.
What about a rubber roof?
First, you need to determine whether or not your roof is truly a Rubber Roof (aka EPDM) or if it is a “Rubber Modified” Asphalt Roof. In roofing the terminology “Rubber Roof” is loosely used and can have various meanings. As for the use of coatings, APOC products can be used on all types of Rubber Roofs including true “EPDM Rubber Roofs.” When applying to an EPDM Rubber Roof, APOC 295 Primer must be used prior to application of coatings. Some rubber roofs are amenable to the use of acrylic latex elastomeric coatings, while others most certainly do not. It is always best to check with the manufacturer before you use any coating. If your rubber roof is able to use our coatings, be sure it is completely clean before application. Remove any and all chalking, dirt or dust. You may want to consider a professional powerwashing as well to ensure all mildew is eliminated. As with all product applications, it is probably advisable to test a small area of the roof, specifically in an especially damp or shadowy area of the roof before applying to the surface as a whole.
How do I tell the difference between a Rubber Modified Asphalt Roof and an EPDM Rubber Roof?
Contact APOC and we will be more than happy to help you with this.
Will this coating provide complete protection against leaks?
No system of protection is 100 percent foolproof and even the best coating materials will lose their effectiveness over time. However, if your roof is built properly, with good materials, and allows for proper drainage of any rain water to prevent pooling from taking place, then adding our coating will certain decrease your chances of having a leak. Remember that it is essential to always keep your drains clear and to repair any cracks or small leaks with the right kind of cement as soon as you are aware that they exist. The sooner you catch these problems, the better your chances at fixing them.
How will use of cool roof coatings affect my heating bill?
In the winter, the earth is farther from the sun that in the summer. Additionally, days are shorter and the sun is lower in the sky. That is, if there aren't clouds in the sky obscuring direct sunlight in the first place. All of this adds up to less heat entering your home through the roof. If anything, in the winter, heat enters houses through windows. After a snowfall collects on your roof, the amount of sunlight it receives may be eliminated completely. Cool roof coatings have no impact on your winter heating costs. They only limit the amount of heat coming into your building during the summertime.
The information on this site is provided as a free service. It is based on common conditions and may not apply to your specific situation. Please contact an APOC representative with specific questions or comments.